The VortX EcoFilter generated significant interest at MICE2022 in Melbourne, Australia. With the EcoFilter on display in the booth, visitors got a chance to view the unit and discuss how they could reduce their carbon footprint by up to 90%. The EcoFilter is the leading eco-friendly solution for coffee roaster seeking to significantly decrease VOCs, smoke, chaff and dust caused by the roasting process. It replaces expensive afterburners that are significant emitters of CO2 and methane.
“Australian roasters are well aligned with VortX in regards to the environment,” says VortX President Ron Kleist. “We all believe that the coffee industry needs to play a role is combating climate change and the EcoFilter is the perfect way for roasters to do their part.”
The EcoFilter is a wet scrubber that uses a proprietary cooling cyclone to condense out VOCs and products of combustion. EcoFilter is designed to work with any roaster and does not depend on brand or batch capacity, only the air volume produced by the roaster. In Australia, VortX currently has happy customers in 4 states: Victoria, Queensland, NSW, and Tasmania.
“I’ve had the chance to travel around Australia talking with our current customers and prospective customers and the reception is quite dramatic,” says VortX International Sales Representative, Daniel Kleist. “The Australian roasting community is really embracing their opportunity to reduce the industry’s impact on the environment and that aligns perfectly with VortX’s mission. We’re really pleased to introduce the product to so many great people here.”
VortX is expanding its service network in Australia with a group of factory-authorized technicians. “We expect to have service technicians throughout the entire country by the end of the year,” says Ron.
VortX is continuing its MICE show special in Australia through mid-November with a $1000.00USD discount available for new purchases. Interested parties should contact VortX at, or by completing a quote request,
About VortX
Scientists have been warning us for many years that climate change is an existential threat and that we can, we must, do something about it. Every day this deep concern drives us to help our customers, the specialty coffee industry, play a leading role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions while keeping a commitment to clean air and a safe operation.
We founded VortX because we knew there had to be a better way to filter smoke and odor, or more precisely – particulates, VOCs and products of combustion from coffee roasting exhaust. The EcoFilter is the result of this work and is helping roasters around the world reduce their carbon footprint by up to 90%.